Friday, August 12, 2016

Start Preparing for the Wedding

     Here we are on Friday.  The weeks fly by and soon the time for wedding bells has arrived- wedding bells that have thousands of photos secretly attached to them.  Those same photos will be around a lot longer than we will.

   Whether you are the bride-to-be, the groom, the mother of the bride or groom, the father, bridesmaid, or anyone else in the wedding party, start preparing now.  

  No needles, nothing to roll into your skin.  No harmful chemicals....Did I mention no harmful chemicals?
    You don't get a second chance for original wedding photos (at least not with the same person :)).  

Don't be the manic bride!

While looking through free clip art I found this one called "manic bride," & I thought about how perfect it is in relation to this topic.  We all become manic & frantic when we realize how quickly the date is approaching, and how quickly we will be the center of attention.  Even if we are not the bride, when we haven't taken the time to prepare we start thinking about all of the eyes that will be on us..
    And all that crazy you see in the eyes of "manic bride" becomes your own perception of reality.  Look at what you can do for yourself to prepare!

Start working on those legs!  Exercise can only do so much!

When you have spent a lifetime doing things for others, this is the least you can do for yourself.  

Get rid of the appearance of all that saggy skin.  Gravity is real.

Make pictures memorable, but for all the right reasons.

 I am so thankful Nerium found me.  Here is one more:

The pic on the left was taken in May of 2015.  The pic on the right was taken August 2016.

I use these things every day.  The earth has many more accidental discoveries waiting for us.

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